Check if You Won NS&I Premium Bonds Prize

Check if You Won NS&I Premium Bonds Prize

About the National Savings & Investments

NS&I Premium Bonds are a form of lottery bond issued by National Savings & Investments, which is one of the largest savings groups in the UK. They have millions of customers and are a trusted name in finance and investment. Their Premium Bonds are backed by HM Treasury, so they are a secure form of investment, protected by the government.

About the NS&I Premium Bonds Prize Checker

A Premium Bond is a kind of lottery bond. Basically, you buy a bond that is backed by HM Treasury of the United Kingdom. The government promises to buy back this bond at its original price. However, no interest is paid out to you personally on this bond. Instead, the interest (1.5%) is paid into a shared prize fund. Every month, there is a lottery drawing using a random number generator. If the winning number is that of your Premium Bond, then you have won a prize of £1,000,000 paid out of the prize fund! NS&I Premium Bonds prize checker website allows you to check to see if you have won a Premium Bond prize.

The NS&I Premium Bonds prize checker is a great way to quickly and conveniently go online and see if you have won a NS&I Premium Bonds prize. You can easily check not only this month’s winner, but any prize that has been unclaimed. Perhaps you’ve already won £1,000,000 and don’t even know it!

How Can You Check to See if You’ve Won A NS&I Premium Bonds prize?

Before you begin, you will need to prepare the following:

  1. A device with internet access.
Detailed instructions:
  1. Go to the NS&I Premium Bonds prize checker website at: http://www.nsandi.com/savings-premium-bonds-have-i-won.
  2. Enter your Premium Bond holder’s number into the required field and indicate whether you want to check a prize winning number for this month, the last six months, or all unclaimed prizes. Then, click on the button marked, "Go".
  3. Check the results of your search to see if you have won.
  4. For further information regarding NS&I premium bonds, refer to the NS&I Premium Bonds information web page at: http://www.nsandi.com/savings-premium-bonds.
(4.7, 244 Votes)