Account at Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union

Account at Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union

About Toys "R" Us

Toys "R" Us is a chain of toy stores based in the United Sates and it operates stores in Europe, Asia, Oceania, Africa, Canada and Australia. At present, Toys "R" Us has about 840 stores in the United States and 716 stores in 34 other countries around the world. It is the largest toy-centered retailer and the second largest overall toy retailer in the United States. Its flagship store in New York is the largest toy store in the world.

About Toys "R" Us Buyer Protection Plan

The Toys "R" Us Buyer Protection Plan is a post-sale service provided by Toys "R" Us which allows their customers to register online and then participate in the Buyer Protection Plan. The plan lets Toys "R" Us customers get access to solve any problems they may encounter with the products they have bought, get more information at their FAQ page, file a claim and check the status of a claim, schedule the time for a service call, and get manufacturer’s warranty information.

By registering for Toys "R" Us Buyer Protection Plan, you can use the troubleshooting services of Toys "R" Us if you have any trouble. You can also just go to their FAQ to solve your problem if it is something you can do on your own. There are many more online services from Toys "R" Us available with this program and its is 24/7 access to plan, product details, and support. Registration is easy, fast and convenient.

How Can You Register For Toys "R" Us Buyer Protection Plan?

Before you begin, you will need to prepare the following:

  1. A device with internet access.
  2. The sale receipt you got when you bought your last Toys "R" Us product.
Detailed instructions:
  1. Go to the Toys "R" Us Buyer Protection Plan registration page at https://www.productassist.com/toysrus/en.html.
  2. Click on the blue button marked "GET started" to proceed.
  3. Enter your personal contact informations, such as name, email, phone number, country as well as zip code. Click on the blue "Submit" button to continue.
  4. Register your plan as instructed.
  5. Identify your product as instructed.
  6. Follow the directions to complete the registration process and then you can enjoy Toys "R" Us Buyer Protection Plan services.
  7. For more information, you can go to Toys "R" Us Buyer Protection Plan FAQ page at https://www.productassist.com/toysrus/en/footer/faq.html.
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